Daniel promote a lot DBS!!!!

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  • I don't know it's a site about what , I think for promote stuff but I don't know why this site don't work I go to this site next time.

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  • Happy to have your new Alice, so you have change your links, long time you don't respond me so I think you are very very busy, next year me and my family go to live in China it's not sure but my father will do business over there and I say I believe go with him, and he is very happy I hope learn chinese, because I can't read and write a lot chinese, lot of french learn chinese. So I don't know when I go I warn you. Big kiss

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  • men's uno and Esquire magazines do very good photo too but I can't found these here, I don't know where to buy them, I think in Paris but I don't had time to go, and don't know where to search them. When I go to China next year I buy lots of magazine about Daniel.

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  • Daniel and the rest of Alive's band posed for Vogue magazine, I love this magazine because lots of photo is very good. I don't buy lots of make-up or very expensive dress or parfum but the photo to promote them is beautiful so i buy this magazine. Daniel is very cute in this close, lol.

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